Eating fish is good for health?

Do not eat raw fish, must remove intestines and bile before eating to limit parasite infection.

Fish contains a lot of protein, healthy omega-3 fatty acids. However, it must be eaten properly to be able to absorb all the nutrients.

Do not eat raw fish

According to Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ninh, National Institute of Nutrition, fish live in the water, omnivores, so it is easy to be infected with toxins and microorganisms living in the water. These toxins accumulate in the body for a long time, which can lead to the risk of allergies, cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney failure, and gastrointestinal diseases for humans.

In addition, hepatobiliary disease is mainly caused by liver fluke disease. People who eat raw or undercooked foods will bring liver flukes into the body, especially when eating freshwater aquatic products such as fish, shrimp, snails, which are easily infected with parasites due to polluted living environments.

Parasites, if not destroyed, can spread to the human body, even residing in the intestines for many years, growing to a length of 1-2 m and causing writhing pain…

Eat fish the right way to absorb healthy nutrients. Photo: Health

Do not eat fish intestines and bile

According to Dr. Ninh, the gut of fish is the dirtiest part because it is easily infected with toxins and microorganisms living in the water or parasites such as fluke eggs, worm eggs and helminths. Therefore, if eating fish intestines must be washed thoroughly with salt and cooked to avoid the risk of parasitic diseases.

Fish bile provides enzymes and enzymes, but also contains a lot of toxins such as tetrodotoxin, which affects the nervous system causing fatigue, respiratory failure, behavioral disorders. Eating fish bile can lead to poisoning, septic shock, acute bleeding and even death. Note when processing, you should avoid breaking fish bile, avoiding fish bile splashing into eyes.

Don’t eat fish when hungry

People with gout should limit eating fish when hungry to avoid making the disease worse. The reason is that eating fish on an empty stomach will increase the amount of purine converted into uric acid, an acid that damages tissues, leading to gout.

When taking cough medicine

According to the doctor, people who have a long-term cough and have to take medicine should not eat fish, especially sea fish to avoid allergies. In the sea fish contains a lot of histamine, when loaded into the body too much can cause allergies, not good for health.

Using cough medicine or high-dose antibiotics should also not eat fish because it can cause unwanted side effects.

Who shouldn’t eat fish?

People with gout and allergies should learn carefully before eating fish to protect their health.

People with severe disorders and impaired liver and kidney function should also limit their intake because fish is rich in protein. When consumed in excess, the disease worsens.

Adults need to be careful to avoid choking when feeding fish to children by choosing fish with few bones or discarding all bones before giving them to children.