Note how to eat melon, salted eggplant to avoid cancer

Pickled and salted tomatoes that have been left for too long and become white/black/yellow moldy may contain aspergilus flavor, which produces aflatoxin, which is a liver cancer-causing factor.

Pickled and salted tomatoes are foods that are fermented by microorganisms in a salt environment. Through the fermentation process, harmful microorganisms are inhibited, helping vegetables and tomatoes to be preserved longer.

Moreover, the nutritional components in vegetables and eggplants are modified to create a more delicious and attractive taste, minimizing indigestible or harmful nutrients such as solanin (in green eggplant). At the same time, pickled cucumbers also contain beneficial microorganisms for the digestive system.

Information from the Clinical Nutrition Center of K Hospital (Hanoi) said that animal and epidemiological studies mainly performed with kimchi showed antioxidant, anticancer, and anticancer activities. Anti-aging, anti-bacterial, lower cholesterol.

For melons, pickled tomatoes, research is quite limited. Some analyzes show that sauerkraut helps to increase the activity of enzymes that detoxify the liver and kidneys. Certain lactic acid bacteria present in sauerkraut produce conjugated linoleic acid which has anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Sauerkraut contains glucosinolate breakdown products including kaempferol, isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol… Kaempferol has been shown to have antioxidant activity and to reduce reactive oxygen species induced by cytokines. in vitro.

Isothiocyanates have been shown to have antibacterial properties, preventing the growth of certain bacteria such as E. coli, C. difficile, C. jejuni and C. perfringens. However, the evidence is mainly in test tubes and in animals. Therefore, there are no recommendations on the amount of these foods.

An epidemiological study in China found that the group that ate the most sauerkraut compared to the group that ate the least had a higher risk of laryngeal cancer. However, the evidence to confirm and the explanation is still not satisfactory.

It is worth noting that in pickles, salted eggplant has a high salt content. When consumed in large amounts will be a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure or not good for patients with kidney failure. Therefore, people should not eat too much cucumber and salt, especially cancer patients are advised to limit salt intake to less than 6g/day.

Need to use cucumber, salt is ripe enough. Should not be used when still green because toxins such as solanin in tomatoes have not been fully decomposed, which can cause poisoning.

Also according to information from the Clinical Nutrition Center of Hospital K, pickles and tomatoes left for too long, on white/black/yellow scum may contain aspergilus flavor, which produces aflatoxin, a factor that causes liver cancer. .

Ngoc Trang